Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania have adopted a Regional Qualifications Framework for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the three countries.
Developed by the Regional Qualifications Framework for Technical Vocational Education and Training, the framework references to the National Qualifications Frameworks of the three countries and makes it possible to compare and value TVET qualifications across the region.
The Regional Qualifications Framework for Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania will:
- Enable easier movement of learners and workers across the region and internationally through the regional recognition of diplomas and certificates in TVET
- Compare levels and qualifications across member countries
- Promote trust between member countries regarding the quality of their education systems and the qualifications of the graduates
- Be a tool for the Recognition of Prior Learning, learning that took place in non-formal situations (on the job, life experience, etc.)
It also facilitates the mobility of students through a system of credit transfer. Students who did part of their professional training in one country thus can move easier to continue their training in another country and can demonstrate easily that they have the right learning credits.
The Regional TVET Qualifications Framework consists of a set of 8 levels and descriptors which can be referenced against the National Qualifications Frameworks of Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. The level descriptors are focused on technical and vocational qualifications that are needed in the labour-market in the region.
The level descriptors are ordered in 3 categories: Knowledge, Skills and Competencies.
- Knowledge is the ability to recall and present information and the ability to use knowledge, principles, and theories to analyse and understand problems and reflect on these.
- Skills is the ability to do, and to act in the context of a task or an occupation.
- Competencies are the abilities to use general and specific skills, knowledge and personal qualities effectively in a work environment and for personal development.
The ministries responsible for TVET learning from Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania signed a declaration to adopt the framework on May 24, 2022.